Gushmere Court Farm grows a mixture of hops, fruit and arable crops. The blackcurrant yield contributes to the thousands of tonnes of UK-grown blackcurrants that make Ribena. The Berry family have been farming in this area since the early 1800’s. Since then, they’ve amassed quite a story…

Thomas Berry 1805-1887
Known as Thomas of South Street after the old South Street farmhouse he was born in, Thomas Berry was recorded as jointly farming with his father in the South Street area. Thomas was a Methodist preacher from the age of 20, and was involved in building the Methodist Chapel in Boughton in 1844, along with some other small village chapels. Thomas had ten children with his first wife, Elizabeth Parton, who died in 1851. He remarried in 1856, and had three more children with Mary Ann Wheeler. Mary Ann took over the management of the farm following Thomas’ death, until her own death in 1902 aged 85.
Sir Walter Wheeler Berry 1857 - 1933
Sir Walter Wheeler Berry married Emma Sarah Coe in 1886. The couple had three children, and lived at Gushmere Court. Sir Walter set up Berry Bro’s Jam with his half brother, Benjamin Gough Berry, in Faversham. A prominent and influential name in agriculture, he initiated experiments with crops to find better variants and remedies to counteract diseases found in hops or fruit. In the first world war, he took up two posts; a development commissioner (for which he was Knighted in 1920), and vice-chairman of Hop Control. He passed away suddenly at home in 1933, aged 76. In his obituary, he was referred to as ‘one of the leading agriculturalists’ of East Kent, who will be ‘sadly missed in a great many directions’.
Stanley Coe Berry 1885 - 1975
In 1933, after Sir Walters’ death, his farming concerns were divided between his two surviving sons, Stanley Coe and John Howard. Stanley married Anne Jane Barbara Thomas in 1913, and had three children - Margaret Gwyneth, Maurice Walter and Katharine Jane.
Maurice Walter Berry 1915 - 1999
Maurice Berry lived at Brenley Farm with his wife, Pamela Shires and three children; Amanda, Nigel and Julian. When Maurice neared retirement in 1991, he divided the farm into two separate businesses; S.C. & J. H. Berry Ltd, farmed at Gushmere Court by his younger son Julian, and S. C. Berry Brenley Ltd, farmed at Brenley Farm by his elder son Nigel.
Julian Peter Shires Berry 1950 - 2007
Julian married Christine (Chrissy) Zelter. The couple had three children together; Matthew, Josh and Emily. Julian farmed at Gushmere Court Farm with land in Selling, Boughton and South Street. Before running the farm at Gushmere, Julian managed a large hop farm in British Columbia, Canada. Julian sadly passed away suddenly in January 2007 aged just 56. Josh and Chrissy took over the management of the farm just days later.
Joshua Julian Charles Berry 1980 - present
For the last thirteen years, Josh has been running the day to day operations of the farm, whilst Lucy oversees the development of The Hopper Huts. Together, they are proud to breathe new life into the much loved Hoppers’ Huts, protecting this valuable heritage asset. Their two young sons, Spencer and Sammy, enjoy farm life, and the family look forward to welcoming guests!